Hire A Resource | LeadsTech

Job Type

Full Time

Our full-time professionals work for 40 hours per week (8 hours per day, Monday to Friday). Our full-time professionals once hired will only work for you. You can get in contact with them whenever you want and get the desired progress reports regularly.


Our part-time professionals work for 20 hours per week (4 hours per day, Monday to Friday). You can receive the desired progress reports regularly and get in contact with them whenever you want.


We also provide services to our valued customers on hourly bases. Our professionals can work from 10 hours per week (2 hours per day, Monday to Friday) up to 30 hours per week (6 hours per day, Monday to Friday).
Our professionals are guaranteed to fulfill customer requirements and provide full satisfaction and support to our valued clients.

LeadsTech has once again provided a great job in the project. As always. I think they play fair and work fair so you must go for it.

Tommy K


Leads Tech has provided an excellent & highly professional work with commitment. I now consider them as my reliable technical friends.

Caco Portela
